Operation Lamp

Operation Lamp WL-MF13-F – Wall Design

Housing with built-in transformer.

A multitude of computer-calculated facetted lenses guarantees homogeneity and lowest shadiness in the light field. Separately arranged optical systems, each with one LED module, generate their own light field, which increases the contrast effect of the OT-light. Light intensities of 100.000 Lux can be attained without difficulty.

The following light functions can be adjusted electronically, such as:

  • Switching ON and OFF
  • Electronic light intensity control


The light field can be focused by turning the handle (pictured sterilizable handle available as an option against surcharge). The focussable light beam allows a punctual illumination of deepest wound channels with light intensity and a exact matching of the light field diameter with the size of the wound field.

The life-span of more than 40.000 operating hours reduces the costs for exchanging and replacing the illuminants considerably, compared with the conventional halogen technology used with former OT-lights. By implementation of the LED technology the power consumption could be reduced partially with more than 50%.

The LED technology is much more effective than conventional light sources such as halogen bulbs. The heat radiation is reduced to a minimum without using any expensive filter technique. The temperature increase in the surgeon's head area is almost nonexistent.

Technical Data

Light intensity at 1 meter distance:
Color rendering index Ra (general):
Color temperature:
Focusable size of the light field:
LED lamps:
Article No.:

70,000 Lux
4,300 K
14-25 cm
28 W